Meet Coach
Veronica L. Nabizadeh, Esq., NBC-HWC.
Veronica Nabizadeh is about all things health and wellness. Most of her clients have tried everything but didn’t have the lasting result. So, they come to Veronica ready to change their life because they want to feel complete and have a life of joy and satisfaction in all areas of their lives, not just a few.
Veronica is armored with the tools to help. She is a Florida Licensed non-practicing attorney with a J.D. from Florida Coastal School of Law and is a Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.
She has studied with Tony Robbins and is a certified Strategic Intervention Life Coach. She will help you take stock of your life and has the effective methods down pat for sustainable change.

“We’ve all been there – ambivalence keeps us stuck on the time track. Our human needs are not being met. We are no longer thriving. We don’t feel the love nor do we give the love. We are in a state where we are no longer contributing to our own success. Apathy is the result of the wear and tear of ambivalence. I can help you lift that ambivalence.”
Listen Deeply
To serve her clients, individuals and/or businesses, Veronica employs a process that removes the ambivalence and apathy. This is where sustainable change actually occurs. Her approach to this process is to deeply listen to her clients. She has developed a keen sense of reading body language and maneuvering through the superfluous. Her clients feel understood. She stands beside them as they become her greatest ally in the relationship of her clients getting better. Their agenda becomes her agenda. As a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Veronica works for you.
Look into yourself to find and acknowledge your strengths
You employ Veronica to help you find your way through the nebula that delays your progress. It’s not easy but Veronica is with you, helping you to cross over the shoals into the pathway of sustainable results. She will require you to look into yourself, to find and acknowledge your strengths and build upon them in order to confront and shatter your fears. She will ask questions not to acquire intel but to ignite you to find the answers from within yourself to only and precisely benefit you. Veronica will help you take stock of your life and has the effective methods down pat for sustainable change.
When you make a commitment, together you will explore how it could be derailed and together you will come up with present time solutions for a possible future problem. Veronica is the ultimate collaborator. She will collaborate with you and will help you hold yourself accountable so that you can accomplish your goals in the time frame you allocate.
“I know that you want lasting results so with your permission, I will dive deeper, so you can evolve further. I will always treat you with honor, respect, and compassion while still challenging you to do your best.”
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